Let them eat vegetables

Why you need a personal vegetarian

Introducing a novel moral idea: paying someone to be vegetarian for you. Why do this?
Because having a personal vegetarian will make you a more ethical person.

Reduce greenhouse gas

For every one pound of hamburger your vegetarian avoids, you save the equivalent of 3 weeks of driving. 14% of the world's CO2 emissions are created by livestock[1]. For each vegetarian we create on your behalf, that person's dietary over 660 kg of greenhouse gas emissions are prevented[2]

Reduce water and land use

A vegetarian diet requires 320,800 less gallons of freshwater to produce annually[3]. Why not enjoy a nice long shower with a clean conscience, knowing that your personal vegetarian will make up the difference?

Prevent animal suffering

For every vegetarian-year you purchase, you will prevent the death of over 200 animals. 1/8th of a cow, 1/3rd of a pig, 5/6th of a turkey, 25.5 chickens, 43 fin-fish, and 137 shellfish (shrimp, oysters, etc). 

Help your vegetarian financially

Although we do not pay the vegetarians we convert for you, meat is a major household expense, so by creating one you are saving this person money during these uncertain economic times. 

Let the world know how ethical you are

Every order, including gift orders, includes an optional verification page you can share on social media, explaining what a good person you are.

"Buy the change you wish to see in the world."
- Gandhi

Two ways to buy

1. Personal vegetarians


One personal vegetarian.

Eat meat while remaining morally neutral.

$2/month or $20/year


Three personal vegetarians.

Eat meat while being twice as ethical as a vegetarian.

$5/month or $50/year


Ten personal vegetarians.

Eat meat while being more ethical than a local PETA meet-up.

$16/month or $160/year

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2. À la carte vegetarianism

Have a craving for some meat, but don't want to give up the moral high ground? Throwing a BBQ, and want to make sure it's vegetarian friendly? This option is for you.

Total: $0.55

Note: due to processing fees, the minimum order size is $1.

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"As I have loved you, so you must pay one another to love."
- Jesus Christ, John 13:34


Q: Is this real?

Yes. Although we have fun with the idea, the project is real, and real humans will become vegetarian as a result of your purchase. To date, we have this project has created XXX vegetarians.

Q: Will purchasing a personal vegetarian make me moral?

Yes. If you cause someone else to stop eating meat on your behalf, it will have the same effect on the world as becoming vegetarian yourself. For $0.08/lb you can both have your steak, and refuse to eat it for moral reasons.

Q: How do you create vegetarians?

We advertise vegetarianism to impressionable young people in the US and UK. We do not pay your vegetarians directly, and allow them to believe they became vegetarian by choice.

Q: Where do your prices come from?

Our pricing models are built using extensive research produced and maintained by Animal Charity Evaluators, a non-profit dedicated to analyzing animal charity effectiveness. Our prices reflect ACE's efficacy numbers combined with peer reviewed longitudinal data on the behavior individuals exhibit after becoming vegetarian. You can read more about our pricing philosophy in our about page.

Q: What if my personal vegetarian falls off the wagon?

We buy you a new one. Our prices assume the average vegetarian will return to meat eating roughly 4.5 years later. The cost of your scheduled replacement is included in our prices.

Q: Did you just make morality pay-to-win?

It was always pay-to-win.

Q: I'm worried paying people to be ethical might be unethical.

Are you enjoying your worry? If not, click here. For a modest fee, you can delegate those worries to our college educated, english-speaking workers in India.

Q: I love this project and I love you, where do I send fan art and letters? or tweet @tabootrades